Enchantress of Number

Story Synopsis (From the Film Makers’ Website)

“Athina is a government spy living in Los Angeles in 2037. Her job is to photograph people committing crimes against the government and to turn the evidence in. One night, a mysterious package with a watch inside is delivered to her door. As she ponders what it could be for she is interrupted by the sound of police, who have killed her neighbor, the man she secretly loves.
Using the watch she manages to escape the cops and meets a woman named Ada Lovelace, the Enchantress of Number, who is the creator of the original algorithm, the basis for Artificial Intelligence. Ada Lovelace give her a choice: join the revolution or face the consequences of her actions in her own time”.

Click here to visit the official Website

I was brought on board the project by David Auner, the co-writer and cinematographer for the film “The Enchantress of Number”. David was crew on previous projects that I had scored and we had an instant rapport; I liked his forthrightness, his direct approach to working on film projects. Through David I was introduced to Rebecca Murga (Director), a passionate and extremely motivated film maker with a clear communication and effective leadership style. Together they were working on TEoN as their AFI thesis film. I was delighted to have been invited to join the team.

The film is not yet finished with the film festival circuit, but will be online soon. In the meantime, here is the trailer to the film (incidentally, the music was not from us).

©2020 Musitecture e.U/Mark Peter Royce
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